Friday, April 4, 2008

And Let the Blood Flow

So...following in from the Booking in appointment I duly attended at the Maternity ward at the local hospital for the blood appointment. Mum gave me a lift up there and it was all a bit cloak and dagger hoping we didn't see anyone we know up there but I managed to get to the ward unseen. A midwife went through a few questions about my pregnancies and then took some blood. I am a bit of a girl when it comes to having the required 'practically an armful removed so had to look the other way but it was ok.

What Deb at the booking in test hasn't told me was that I would also be required to produce a urine sample. Of course I had just gone before setting out for the appointment and could barely manage a tiny dribble, let alone the huge pot she told me I had to fill completely. The midwife looked a bit exasperated but tested it for protein and sugar, gace me a special pot and lab test bag told me I would have to do another specimen to be sent off to a lab when I was next seen. She also gave me another pot to bring to appointments with my regular sample. I had forgotten the joy of spending half your life carrying wee around in your handbag :)

The dating scan appointment has come through and is the day before the nuchal scan. So we now have the dating scan on 16th and nuchal on the 17th. So it won't be long before I get confirmation that there actually is a baby in there somewhere!

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